
About us

Nice to meet you

Welcome!  We are Mike and Michelle, the visionary creators behind Daisy and Oliver—a brand and lifestyle that beautifully merges their shared passions for home, garden, food, and outdoor adventures. From the sanctuary of home to the wonders of nature, they have curated a vibrant platform that inspires individuals to embrace a fulfilling and creative way of living. Together, Michael and Michelle have nurtured Daisy and Oliver into a brand that celebrates authenticity, inspiration, and connection. Their engaging storytelling and genuine passion create a welcoming community that embraces the beauty of home, the joys of culinary exploration, and the wonders of outdoor adventures.    

upcoming projects

Raised garden beds offer numerous advantages for gardeners, including improved soil quality, better drainage, easier access for maintenance, and increased control over pests and weeds. With this project, you want to highlight these benefits and provide readers with insights into why using raised garden beds can be a game-changer for their gardening endeavors. If you need assistance with outlining the key benefits, providing tips for setting up raised garden beds, or any other specific aspect you’d like me to cover, please let me know.

Surf fishing refers to the practice of fishing from the shoreline, typically on beaches where the waves break. It requires a unique set of skills and strategies to effectively catch fish in this environment. With this project, you aim to provide your readers with valuable information, tips, and techniques to enhance their surf fishing experience. Please let me know if you need assistance with creating content specifically related to surf fishing tips and techniques, or if you have any specific questions or areas you’d like me to focus on.