Raised Garden Beds and a boy turning soil over


Last updated on February 10th, 2024 at 05:31 pm

Raised garden beds are a popular choice for gardeners who want to maximize their growing space and create a more efficient and organized garden. These beds offer a range of benefits, from improved soil quality to better drainage and easier access for planting and harvesting. Whether you have limited space or simply want to try a new gardening technique, raised garden beds can help you create a thriving garden in any setting. 

You can buy a ready-made raised garden bed thru a garden supplier or Amazon but building your own garden bed is also a popular choice among those handy with a hammer and saw. Growing fruit and vegetables from seeds, harvesting, and then enjoying the bounty in a delicious recipe captures the true primodial essence of farm to table. I actually feel like I could survive without technology when my garden jalapenos actually enhance a dish I’m preparing. I even convince myself that it taste better because its fresh from the garden.


Better Soil Quality and Drainage 

Looking for more gardening raised bed ideas?  Check out this article here from one of my favorite bloggers on the subject.  One of the biggest advantages of raised garden beds is the improved soil quality and drainage they provide. Because the soil is contained within the bed, it is less likely to become compacted or waterlogged, which can lead to poor plant growth and disease. Additionally, gardeners can add high-quality soil and compost to the bed, creating a nutrient-rich environment that promotes healthy plant growth. This is especially important for small-space gardening, where every inch of soil counts.

If you really want to create a thriving raised garden bed, then a hyper focus on proper drainage plays a crucial role.   The ideal solution lies in incorporating a combination of porous materials, such as gravel or coarse sand, in the bottom layer of the bed. This promotes efficient water flow while preventing excess moisture buildup. Additionally, to improve soil drainage in raised beds, you can mix in organic matter like compost or peat moss. This helps to break up compacted soil and enhance its water-holding capacity, striking a balance between drainage and moisture retention for optimal plant growth.

Man working in raised garden bed

Vegetables ready to harvest in raised garden bedRAISED GARDEN BEDS FOR EASIER ACCESS

Raised garden bed full with vegetablesRaised garden beds also offer easier access and maintenance for gardeners. Because the bed is elevated, there is less bending and kneeling required, making it easier on the back and joints. You can also elevate your raised garden beds literally by adding feet to your base and enjoy gardening at waist level. 

I’m not very handy so if I added feet to a 200 pound repurposed bunk bed filled with soil, then the likely outcome would be a toppled garden. My wife would think I’m even more incapable of doing anything right, if that’s even possible. But, if you do have a truly raised bed, they can be designed to fit the gardener’s specific needs, such as adding trellises for climbing plants or incorporating irrigation systems for easy watering. With less time and effort required for maintenance, gardeners can focus on enjoying their thriving garden.

Additionally, raised garden beds require less weeding and are easier to manage. You can install a weed barrier underneath the bed, minimizing weed growth, and easily reach all areas without stepping on the soil, reducing compaction. This not only saves time and effort but also promotes healthier plant growth. So, if you’re looking for a gardening approach that offers easier access and maintenance, raised garden beds are the way to go. 

My wife and I love using a raised garden bed that we repurposed from an old bunk bed I found on the side of the road. Overgrown onions everywhere and green beans barely coming in, but ultimately the condition of this garden is 100% my wife’s fault.  I am simply given commands and have no say so on what to grow or how to grow it. However, there is always a harvest and I think it is so cool to eat a fried green tomato sandwich straight from the garden. My recommendation is start with green onions. No matter what, you cannot lose. They flourish and are ridiculously tasty in breakfast, lunch, or dinner recipes.


Increased Yield and Plant Variety

Raised garden beds offer a number of benefits for small-space gardening, including increased yield and plant variety.  By using a raised bed, gardeners can pack more plants into a smaller space, maximizing their growing potential. Additionally, raised beds provide better drainage and soil quality, which can lead to healthier plants and higher yields. With the ability to control the soil composition and nutrients, gardeners can also experiment with a wider variety of plants, including those that may not thrive in their native soil.

You can easily create separate sections or compartments within the bed, enabling you to grow different types of plants with varying soil and water requirements. This versatility opens up a world of possibilities, from growing vibrant flowers to cultivating a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, raised garden beds empower you to maximize your plant yield and explore a wide array of plant varieties, creating a bountiful and diverse garden.

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One of the biggest benefits of raised garden beds is the ability to control pests and weeds. By elevating the garden off the ground, it becomes more difficult for pests like slugs, snails, and rabbits to access the plants. Additionally, gardeners can add a layer of weed barrier fabric to prevent weeds from growing up through the soil. This means less time spent weeding and more time enjoying a thriving garden. 

For those who still encounter pest or weed issues, raised beds make it easier to target and treat specific areas without harming the rest of the garden. This can be especially helpful for organic gardeners who want to avoid using chemical pesticides or herbicides. By using natural pest control methods like companion planting (check out our article here on the a companionship planting chart ) and introducing beneficial insects, gardeners can keep their raised beds healthy and thriving all season long.

My wife is always adding plants that deter bugs using biological factors especially smell.  She claims invasive bugs hate certain smells and will stay away.  My wife loves using it in her garden.  My wife also loves to plant with hosta, which is my absolute favorite.  I’ll sometimes see these and other pretty flowering plants in the middle of her tomatoes, squash, and green beans and I always think they are for decoration. Nope, they are purposely placed due to their fragrance and bug repelling properties. Not sure if it works. Of course, wifey says they absolutely make a difference. I just nod in agreement.

Aesthetically Pleasing and Customizable

Many beginners often wonder “Gardening, when to start?”  Do your research, make a plan, and execute.  Remember, raised garden beds not only provide practical benefits, but they also add a visually appealing element to any outdoor space. They can be customized to fit any style or preference, from rustic wooden beds to sleek and modern metal designs. Gardeners can also choose the height and size of their beds to fit their specific needs and space constraints.  With raised garden beds, small-space gardening can be both functional and beautiful.  

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, raised garden beds offer practical benefits as well. They provide better drainage and soil quality, which can lead to healthier plants and higher yields. They also make gardening more accessible for those with physical limitations, as they can be built at a height that is comfortable for the gardener. Plus, raised garden beds can be easily moved or dismantled if needed, making them a flexible option for any outdoor space. So whether you’re looking to add a pop of color to your backyard or maximize your vegetable harvest, raised garden beds are a great choice.

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